Provide structural and metabolic support for photoreceptors Absorption of light – melanin pigment absorbed light after photoreceptor are stimulated, thus preventing relfexion of light back The apical microvillous processes partially sourround the outer segment of rods cells and several layers of leaflike processes entirely surround the outer segment of cones cells.ĭo you want to know the function of the pigment epithelium cells layers of retina? Well I am going to enlist the function of this pigment epithelium layer of retina – You will find the apical microvillous process and several layers of leaflike process of these pigment cells of retina. These cells also contain numerous mitochondria and numerous melanin granules (except these cell overlaying tapetum lucidum) There you may find the deep folding of plasmamembrane at the base of this pigment epithelium cells. This basal lamina is also known as the bruchu membrane of chroid)

This layer is formed by the simple squamous or simple cuboidal epithelium that is resting on a basal lamina. Pigment epithelium layer of retina histology I will try to make it simple for your easy understand. I am going to describe the retina histology layers with labeled pictures. These 10 retina layers are arranged from outer part from inner part of sensory region of animal retina. Please try to memorize these 10 retina layers of animal’s eye. Internal limiting membrane layer of animal retina External limiting membrane layer of retina I am going to enlist these 10 layers of retina from animal eye with description. In the sensory part of retina histology, you will find the following 10 different layers in animal’s eye.

Difference between rods and cones cell of retina.Retina histology layers labeled diagram.Internal limiting membrane of retina histology.Inner plexiform layer of retina histology.Inner nuclear layer of retina histology.External limiting membrane of retina layers.Layer of rods and cones of retina histology.Pigment epithelium layer of retina histology.