My daughters and I often go on a rainbow hunt after a storm has passed and the first beams of light begin to shine.

There are few things in nature as magical as a rainbow. The myth states that a leprechaun could be persuaded into giving up his treasure to someone who captured him, but the leprechaun would always trick his captor into looking the other way, whereupon both leprechaun and gold would promptly vanish. ApLearn about God’s rainbow promise in the story of Noah’s Ark and other biblical narratives with this hands-on rainbow bible study for kids. The pot of gold is supposed to be treasure belonging to Irish leprechauns: little fairies clothed in green and known for making shoes. Where does the myth about there being a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow come from? That appears to be Celtic in origin: ancient Celtic gold coins were called ‘rainbow saucers’. Once again, Incans believed the rainbow to be a sky-serpent, with all of the dangerous symbolism encoded in such an association. As The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols (Penguin dictionaries)points out, ancient Peruvians would often cover their mouths with their hands when a rainbow appeared in the sky. In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Iris (/ a r s / EYE-riss Greek:, translit. Thunder and lightning frighten us, but after the storm may come a calming bow of brilliant colors in the sky.

Traditional Irish folklore imagines a pot of gold where a rainbow meets earthmore good luck. In the Americas, the Incans didn’t dare look at the rainbow, regarding it as a malevolent omen. FebruAfter a storm, you may see a rainbow if you’re lucky.